11:48 PM

How can I get rid of large pores?

Large pores, unfortunately, are not something you can get rid of completely, but you can shrink them down to a more "normal" size. I have large pore, thanks to heriditary, and I've wanted to shrink them down to porcelin doll size my whole life. I finally found something that worked....The Microderabrasion Set by Mary Kay Cosmetics. It does the trick, and minimizes the large pores, and smooths dry rough skin. Not over night, it takes about a 15 to 30 days of using it twice a week (three times a week if you have really dry skin), but it really did make my pores shrink down.

I love this Microderabrasion Set so much, and I know you will too, so try it out. Heck, try it with friends, it's way more fun that way, and then when you all see you pores shrinking down, please....let me know. I love feedback.

Happy Shrinking,