2:38 PM

Get a New Lipstick or Die

Get A New Lipstick Or Die.
That is the cry of many new up and coming makeup retailers. The new Summer season is here and so in addition to your annual change of wardrobe, shoes, hair style, and coffee pick...the call is to also change your entire color makeup look.

Now I'll admit that when it comes to Summer I like to go for a more Greek Isles, or even tropical sunkissed look. However I don't always swap out my beloved lipstick for a new color every season. I suppose I don't fear the shame of a fashion faux pas, some inevitably will feel at not keeping up with the makeup fashion world (and let's face it...there are few who can afford to), and they really shouldn't. Why? Because even though the cosmetics companies add new colors all the time, we don't need to buy the one's that we will not wear more than once. It's just plain silly. I love about three colors. They look great on, especially with a little touch of gloss; each compliments my skin tone nicely. 

By not having the twenty, or I dare say fifty shades, I could have that go well with my skin tone, I not only save on space in my makeup drawer, but money for other things....like dresses, shoes, and ice cream.

However, a woman does need at least three lipstick colors, one that brings out her natural beauty, one to be a bit daring and dramatic, and one to complement the occasional odd colors in ones wardrobe.The same goes for lipgloss.

My personal favorites are "Tanned", "Berry Kiss", and "Rasin Berry". Favorite lipgloss: "Sugarberry", "Beach Bronze" and "Starry".

My advice is to pick your three colors and wear them as long and as often as you like, what ever the season. But don't be boring. It's ok to change things up a bit to stay current. You can always just add a different lipgloss on top to change the lipstick into some entirly new and exciting if need be!

Stay Beautiful.