8:46 PM

Just because it's Monday

I know...I know...Mondays are tough, and stressful, and...well...they aren't all bad. Take, for example, today. Here's the deal to make it a little better.

Get a free lipstick or lipgloss (a $13 value) with any order of $20* or more.
To get this deal you need to place your order with me directly, so give me a call at 818.245.0370 or email leahslemmons@marykay.com.

You can also pick your colour and explore our other products at my Mary Kay online store at www.marykay.com/leahslemmons.

Call me soon, this deal ends when the next one begins (and there's a new one everyday!)

Oh...it's not a secret...so pass it on! I love your referrals ; )

Remember, to get this deal you need to call or email me today.

*To qualify, orders need to be a minimum of $20 before taxes.

ps. My wonderful husband, James, is my techie genius and marketing guru; he puts these posts together.